
Science/High-Tech - Scientists are trying to figure out how to land on Venus or Europa
Scientists are trying to figure out how to land on Venus or Europa
Since the beginning of the space age, very few space crafts have landed on Venus, and none on Europa-an icy moon of Jupiter.   At the virtual American Geophysical Union meeting, planetary scientists and engineers discussed new tricks that hypothetical future spacecraft may need to land on...
Science/High-Tech - Oman’s economy faces challenges after this turbulent year
Oman’s economy faces challenges after this turbulent year
The corona virus disease pandemic has toyed with Oman’s economy. The real gross domestic product (GDP) is in position to reduce in percentage according to the rating report of S&P Global. The impact pandemic on the economy as the Sultanate opens the borders The low crude oil revenue has left...
Science/High-Tech - Belt sander: advantages and instructions
Belt sander: advantages and instructions
Do you want to know more about a belt sander before you buy it? Surely it is! then you have come to the right place for a good discovery. The belt sander is an indispensable tool in carpentry, with several functions. It is easy to use and efficient. Find out more about the strengths of this machine...